Friday, February 25, 2011

The Official Price Guide to Records, 16th Edition By Jerry Osborne

The Official Price Guide to Records, 16th Edition

“Wait! Don’t throw out those old albums sitting in the back of your closet! Not without consulting Jerry Osborne’s Official Price Guide to Records.” — Entertainment Weekly

The Official® Price Guide to Records 16th Edition is the most accurate and up-to-date price guide to records. Written by Jerry Osborne, the leading expert in the field, this essential music sourcebook features values for more than one million records and includes listings of singles and albums by more than 40,000 artists representing every style of music, including rock and roll, country and western, soul, pop, jazz, blues, easy listening, new wave, punk, alternative, R&B, and many more. This comprehensive new edition is the only price guide record collectors will ever need.


·Unique 10-point grading system for more precise record grading.
·Indexed by artist to find record values fast and easy.
·Invaluable information on records of every speed, size, and format.
·Complete guide to Canadian pressings.
·Tips on buying and selling on the Internet.
·Exclusive buyers-sellers directory.
“Jerry Osborne has compiled the most comprehensive series of record collecting handbooks” — Rolling Stone Magazine

“Jerry Osborne is…the guru of record collecting. He was the first…to compile a price
guide….” — Gannett News Service
“Checking out the record listings in Osborne’s guide is as much fun as a sock hop!”
People magazine
“The best record guides are by Jerry Osborne, whose books have become the blue books
for dealers and collectors.” — Esquire magazine

From the Publisher

Jerry Osborne is Mr. Music -- there's no doubt about that! His weekly feature, "Mr. Music" -- has been in newspaper syndication since 1986. He has been a record collector for nearly 40 years, and an author of record price guides and reference works since 1975! Plus, he's a blast to work with -- what more could a hard-working editor ask for? If you have the chance to listen to one of Jerry's radio or TV interviews, don't miss the opportunity.
OFFICIAL PRICE GUIDE TO RECORDS was growing so fast and furious that we had to grow the size of the book or it would burst at the seams! The 12th edition has over 600 pages of listings and photos of LPs, 45s and more.

--Randy Ladenheim-Gil, Editor, House of Collectibles --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

See all Editorial Reviews

Product Details

  • Paperback: 768 pages
  • Publisher: House of Collectibles; 16th edition (November 12, 2002)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0609809083
  • ISBN-13: 978-0609809082

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